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“...I think his works convey an awareness of animals and people and their closeness which is beyond anything expressed in art today. Perhaps the closest to Michael in spirit is the great German Expressionist painter Franz Marc who in his work could enter into the souls of creatures and depict the individual kinship we have with them.”

—Christopher Wagstaff

Michael John Carey, was a Bay Area sculptor, painter and musician who lived and worked in Berkeley, California from 1978 through 2017.  Michael’s intention with his work was to celebrate our elemental bond with animals and mankind’s place in the larger natural world. He succeeded. Anyone who saw his work came away enriched by the power and magic of his art.


Michael’s art was recognized by his fellow artists and by a devoted group of collectors and art professionals. His work is in private, institutional and corporate collections throughout the US. His public art sculpture can be seen at several sites in the Bay Area.


Born September 15, 1948 in Alhambra, California, Michael grew up in Claremont and La Verne, California. In 1976 he received a BA in Sculpture from California State University, Sacramento and in 1978 an MFA in Sculpture from East Texas State University, Commerce. After moving to West Berkeley, he met his future wife Suzanne Anderson in 1981. In a home filled with collections and much-loved dogs, Michael found inspiration for the Sculpture, Paintings & Drawings you will see on this site. In his last years he completed three major groups of artwork and four CDs of his music.

Suzanne Anderson-Carey

(AKA Suzanne Carey)


 All Artwork and Music and Images © 2018 Suzanne Anderson-Carey as the Estate of Michael J. Carey. All Rights Reserved. Estate retains image reproduction rights.
Website @ 2018-2024 

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